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Apocrypha1.doc is a terminal message found in level C-1. It is the first section of the Apocrypha of Saint Eadwald found on terminals, followed by Apocrypha9.doc.


The Apocrypha of Saint Eadwald
This vision was granted by the Archangel Uriel to the humble servant Eadwald, that he might bear testimony of §/746865206#C=696F6E%202 620776F6 C6620 7368616C6&C2063 function(E): 65617.365/%$/
I turned to the north, and saw seven black clouds coming down upon the land. And each cloud was a plague unleashed from the Throne of God in the time of the Nephilim; in that age the plagues were buried in the Pit, there to remain until the End of Days, which was surely now come. I fell to my knees and prayed, and before me appeared seven angels, riding their chariots, wheels within wheels turning in the sky, and their light hid the clouds from my sight.
One angel stepped down onto the Earth, and by his fiery sword I knew him to be Uriel. He spoke, saying: "Seven plagues have awoken in the land, but not at the hand of Elohim; look upon the wages of sin. And shall He send forth the deluge once more, to cleanse the land of this evil? Shall He end all that slithers and all that crawls, and the birds of the sky and the fishes of the sea, to end that which you uncovered in your folly?" The $%§"&/ %//


(Decoded sections are italicized and bolded)

The Apocrypha of Saint Eadwald
This vision was granted by the Archangel Uriel to the humble servant Eadwald, that he might bear testimony of the lion & wolf shall cease
I turned to the north, and saw seven black clouds coming down upon the land. And each cloud was a plague unleashed from the Throne of God in the time of the Nephilim; in that age the plagues were buried in the Pit, there to remain until the End of Days, which was surely now come. I fell to my knees and prayed, and before me appeared seven angels, riding their chariots, wheels within wheels turning in the sky, and their light hid the clouds from my sight.
One angel stepped down onto the Earth, and by his fiery sword I knew him to be Uriel. He spoke, saying: "Seven plagues have awoken in the land, but not at the hand of Elohim; look upon the wages of sin. And shall He send forth the deluge once more, to cleanse the land of this evil? Shall He end all that slithers and all that crawls, and the birds of the sky and the fishes of the sea, to end that which you uncovered in your folly?" The $%§"&/ %//


  • The decoded text is derived from William Blake's America, a Prophecy.[1]
    • "'For Empire is no more, and now the Lion & Wolf shall cease.'"